Short Course in Quantum Information


Fall 2005


Prof. Ivan H. Deutsch

Center for Advanced Studies

Dept. of Physics and Astronomy

University of New Mexico




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General Information

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General Information


Instructor: Prof. Ivan Deutsch (my research group web page)

Phys/Astro Room 24,

Phone: 277-1502


Course comprising eight lectures in building 980 room 95 Sandia National Labs on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 AM – 10:45 AM between October 5 and December 21. Dates with conflicts due to conferences or other substantial external events will be skipped.


October 5, 2005. Lecture 1: Introduction to quantum information (Download pdf 1, Streaming Video 2)
A. Basics of information theory – probability
B. Quantum inference – probability amplitudes, superposition.
C. Information is Physical: Bits vs. qubits. Quantum logic.
D. Overview of properties of quantum world: Superposition principle, uncertainty principle, measurement backaction, no-cloning, entanglement.
E. Applications – Communication, cryptography, computation, precision metrology.
F. Physical Implementations – photonic, atomic, solid.

October 12, 2005.
Lecture2: Formal Structure of Quantum Mechanics (Download pdf 2, Streaming Video 2)
A. States, observables, measurement.
B. Linear algebra – bras, kets, matrices.
C. Dynamics.
D. Noise and decoherence.

October 19, 2005. Lecture 3: Entanglement (Download pdf 3, Streaming Video 3)
A. Multipartite states and tensor product
B. Entangled states and correlations.
EPR paradox.
D. Hidden variables and Bell inequalities.

October 26, 2005. No meeting (FEC Workshop)

November 2, 2005. Lecture 4: Qubits
and Quantum Circuits (Download pdf 4, Streaming Video 4)
A. From bits to qubits
B. The language of Pauli matrices and Bloch spheres.
C. Entanglements as a resource: Superdense coding and Teleportation
D. Boolean logic and universal gate sets.
E. Quantum circuit model.

November 9, 2005. Lecture 5: Quantum Algorithms (Streaming Video 5) (Lecturer: Andrew Landahl, UNM)
A. Shor
B. Grover's algorithm
C. Quantum simulation

November 16, 2005 – No Meeting (Supercomputing 2005).

November 23, 2005. (No Classs -- Thanksgiving)

November 30, 2005. Lecture 6: (Download pdf 6, Streaming Video 6) Decoherence, Errors, and Error Correction
A. The problem of noise.
B. Why not classical error correction?
C. Basic codes.
D. Fault-tolerance.

December 7, 2005. (No Class)


December 14, 2005. Lecture 7: Quantum Cryptography (Lecture, Richard Hughes LANL)
A. Key distribution
B. BB4
C. Ekert-protocol


December 21, 2005. Lecture 8: (Download pdf 8, Streaming Video 8) Physical Implementations
A. DiVincenzo criteria.
B. The contenders - atoms/ions, semiconductors, superconductors, linear optics.