Reviews of Quantum Optics,Vol. 1

Februrary 1, 2000

Physics 566

Department of Physics and Astronomy

University of New Mexico

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Table of Contents


Laser Spectroscopy and Atomic Coherence

Nonclassical Light and Optical Coherence

Quantum Measurement and Quantum Information



Laser Spectroscopy and Atomic Coherence

Optical properties of electromagentically induced transparency

Bienfang, Joshua C.: [pdf]

Atom Interferometry

Ghose,. Shohini: [pdf]

Nonlinear spectroscopy in the strong-coupling regime of cavity QED

Jasapara, J.: [pdf]

Laser spectroscopy and quantum optics: application towards future atomic clocks

Jones, R. Jason: [pdf]

Transient coherent effects on two-level systems

Phipps, Stephen P.: [pdf]

Trapping and cooling in optical lattices

Rekovic, Vladimir: [pdf]

Coherent states for Rydberg atoms

Scheibner, R.: [pdf]

Lasers without inversion

Ukhanov, Alexander A.: [pdf]


Nonclassical Light and Optical Coherence

An examination of absolute calibration of detectors and spectral radiance using correlated two-photons from parameteric downconversion

Ackermann, Mark R.: [pdf]

Experimentation and theory leading to the understanding of biphoton interference

Bernstein, A. C.: [pdf]

Optical solitons: classical vs. quantum characteristics

Dang, Thien Trang Thi: [pdf]

Noise characteristics of correlated two-photon production via parametric down conversion

Meng, Xianmei: [pdf]

Squeezed light

Rotter, Thomas: [pdf]

Observation of induced coherence in parmetric downconversion experiments

Stock, René: [pdf]


Quantum Measurement and Quantum Information

A review of quantum nondemolition

Brilliant, Nathan A: [pdf]

A different approach to quantum decoherence

Giuggioli, Luca: [pdf]

Quantum state reconstruction

Grondalski, J.: [pdf]

Continuous quantum measurement

Renes, J.:

Quantum computing with cavity QED

Schwarz, Ch. J: [pdf]

Quantum cryptography: a brief introduction to key distribution

Stumpf, A.: [pdf]