Antisymmetric operators on a real vector space
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Can preparation operations be specified by classical facts, independent of
the input quantum state?
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Comment on ``Quantum entanglement and the nonexistence of
superluminal signals'' by M. D. Westmoreland and B. Schumacher
( e-print quant-ph/9801014)
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Compatibility and inside information
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Completely positive maps, positive maps, and the Lindblad form
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Constructing an orthonormal basis from an arbitrary basis
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Doubly stochastic operations on qubits
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Entropy of Hilbert-space splits into two equal parts
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Exchangeable sequences and probabilities for probabilities
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Heisenberg and Schrödinger pictures in linear optics
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Hidden-variable model for continuous-variable teleportation
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I have two children, not both daughters. Do I have a daughter?
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Information-entropy trade-off for random vectors
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Is there a mutual information for three variables?
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Laplace's rule of succession and beta functions
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Laws of large numbers and typical-sequence theorems
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Learning and the de Finetti representation
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Linear dynamics that preserves maximal information is Hamiltonian
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Measures and volumes for spheres, the probability simplex, projective
Hilbert space, and density operators
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